Retirement Talk

WHAT to do with the rest of your life?


2009 Podcasts

094: Retirement and a Work of Love
Sometimes society values what we choose to do with our lives in retirement with continued income. Imagine doing what you really want and getting paid for it. My friend, Lewis, created a perfect match.

096: Government: Under the Constitution?
One topic of conversation that is prevalent among the retired people I know is politics. There is a lot of experience and history among we older folks that can make for varied thoughts concerning the way we govern ourselves. This podcast provides a glimpse into a recent political discussion.

097: Exercise - for the Brain?
We know our muscles, lungs and cardiovascular system needs to get some exercise. We may not connect this exercise with the best thing in the world we can do for our brain. But, it seems to be true.

098: "We are Here to Help You"
Sometimes choice of words affects us more than we are aware. Retired folks have years of experience on which to rely for clarity. We need to exercise due diligence, or we can be tricked.

099: Retirement and Neighbors
Neighbors can make retirement miserable, or, if approached with care, become tolerable, if not enjoyable. Retired folks need to move cautiously when they venture into the neighborhood. Care must be taken.

100: Retirement by Projects
Retirement Talk is one hundred episodes old and still growing. The role it plays in my retired life serves as a focal point for using projects as a method of retirement living.

102: Guilt, Stress and Retirement
Lessons learned in early life can stay with us throughout life. Guilt - unwarranted guilt - is one of those lessons that can remain undiscovered yet produce life long stress. Overcoming stress is necessary for an enjoyable retirement lifestyle.

105: Being Taken Advantage Of
Many retired folks dream of taking an extended road trip across America. Follow us as we plan our trip, take the trip, and actually ride the road for over ten weeks. It's a long series, but then again, it was a long trip.

Road Trip USA Series
Many retired folks dream of taking an extended road trip across America. Follow us as we plan our trip, take the trip, and actually ride the road for over ten weeks. It's a long series, but then again, it was a long trip.

131: Time for Indulgence - the Coffee Shop
Taking time for coffee is one of the pleasure of our retired life. For over twenty years we have found time for a trip to the coffee shop on a daily basis. Some might call this a waste of time, but time that is enjoyed is never time wasted.

132: Heroes
We all have heroes. We need heroes. Pete Seeger is one of mine. Here is a guy with a banjo and a backbone who became an icon during his lifetime. What is it about people that make them heroic in our minds or our lives?

135: Doing the Dishes
Daily routines present themselves to us in retirement - like it or not. Is it possible to turn these into pleasurable moments? The Myth of Sisyphus may be our salvation. Can we learn to "love our rock"?

137: Retirement's Many Roads
My neighbor down the street retired last year and is still "lost". He can't figure out what he wants to do with all of this time. Retirement can freeze us with over-choice. It is important to make a choice.

138: Reunions
Retirement and reunions seems to go hand in hand. The question: "Are you going to the reunion?" comes up often. I just experienced my first. Here's the story.

140: Michael Jackson Meets John Donne
"Any man's death diminishes me..."  John Donne's famous words were brought to mind by Michael Jackson's memorial service. We all have at least two things in common: we all make mistakes and we all die.

141: Downsizing
The idea of downsizing brings many questions to mind. The location and size of the house in which we live is important. Perhaps more important than we realize. It can be an opportunity to reevaluate the way we live.

144: Retirement Talk and Technology
Here is a description of the technology used and the technological changes that have been required to maintain this podcast as it moves into its fourth year of production. If podcasting is something you have considered in retirement this information might be useful.

146: Tenting, Biking, and Elderhostel
Tenting, biking and Elderhostel somehow seemed tied together. They seem to attract like-minded people: young at heart, adventurous, and interesting. Age does not seem to dampen their enthusiasm for life. Here is the story of three such travelers.

148: Bicycling and Retirement
Bicycling and retirement seem to go together for many of us. Bicycling can combine fun with exercise, running errands, and just getting around our community. It is good for our health, our pocket book, our environment and our health. Amazing!

150: How Much is Enough?
Thoughts of retiring always bring thoughts of money. Do we have enough to live on the rest of our lives? Here is an example of thoughts that we weighed when considering the money question. So far so good.

151: Venturing into Politics
Retirement years are time where one has time to read, talk, write and practice politics. Politics can become a main interest for many retired folks.  Wisdom gained through years of living might make political life more meaningful for all.

152: "Flat Earthers" How do We Know What is True?
Two widely divergent political groups dominate our country's politics. Why is there such a wide gulf between the two? Where do we get our beliefs? Are we even of the same species?

153: "Who Made that Rule, Anyway?"
The way we live is often determined by a set of existing rules. Sometimes we may need to pause and inquire as to their validity. Retired people enjoy a lifetime of experience by which to substantiate their views.

155: Chop Wood; Carry Water
Retiring means an active lifestyle for many. Just because we stop working for money doesn't mean we live in a world without things to do. Providing for family, friends, and humanity calls for action even from the enlightened, or perhaps especially from the enlightened.

156: Screen Apnea
Screen Apnea is like Sleep Apnea. It is a breathing problem. Ever notice how when you work on a computer or gaze at TV how the time just slips by? We tend to forget the rest of the world. Now it seems we even forget to breathe; at least not like we should.

158: Elders and the Environment
Where did you learn to care about the environment? Who were your mentors? What role can today's elders play in the care of our earth? These questions evolved out of a recent conference I attended in Vancouver, BC. If you're looking for something to do in retirement this might be a good choice.

159: Changing Our Ways
Sometimes we just get tired of doing the same ol' thing. We want to change our ways. Here is a great example of a person doing just exactly that. And he isn't a spring chicken.

160: Aging and Expectations
Great expectations are things we associate with young people. But in this time period retired people may have thirty or forty years of good life ahead of them. What are the expectations? Do we prepare for this period in life? Perhaps we should.

161: Weather
Our motto has always been to, "Never let the weather dictate what you do with your life". Some people pay a lot of attention to weather. There are lots of reasons to move or relocate when one retires. Weather is one of the main ones, but it is not the only one.

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