Retirement Talk

WHAT to do with the rest of your life?


Episode  387(091) – Frustration

Two months ago we cancelled our parking space in a nearby building. We called ahead of time and followed the rules. We turned in the entry fob and were told we would not be charged for the following month and that we would get our deposit refunded in full. It didn’t happen. They kept part of the refund and then charged us again for one more month. They told us the price had gone up six months past and they had forgotten to charge us and they had forgotten to tell us. So…we were down about two hundred dollars. Not enough to get too excited, but definitely not fair. The contract read that they were required to give us written notification of an increase in rates. They hadn’t.


This is Retirement Talk. I’m Del Lowery.

Frustration come in various ways and at odd times. The question is always what to do when it does work its way into our lives. Of course, the responses vary – sort of like the reason for the frustration. When the car parking incident occurred, I wrote it off. It wasn’t fair, I didn’t like it, but I didn’t want to cause more worry and grief over fighting a corporation over less than two hundred dollars. My thinking was that we could end up with bills for lawyers and court costs, and possibly a black mark against our credit rating.  It would also take a lot of time and attention. I didn’t want to escalate the frustration.

Then I shared the story with my daughter – a lawyer. She agreed that it was unfair and that she would write a legal looking paper to the corporation and that I could go to my credit union and file a disputed claim form. My money would be refunded and the corporation would have to get their money some other way. I just filed the papers. It took a half hour of standing in line at the credit union. Now I faced the uncertainty of the next step.

I could console myself with the idea that I did what should have been done. It feels good to even say that. However, my mind goes to the possible next steps. I saw collection agencies making calls, writing letters and filing reports that might reflect on my credit rating. A cloud hung over the mess.

That’s the way it is with we older folks: we don’t like uncertainty. That’s why frustration rises. We like to know that the house will not fall to the foreclosure fire that is burning across America. We like to know that the retirement check will be deposited regularly. We know that old age, sickness and death are stalking us and that is enough of a burden. All other impediments seem almost silly, but they still cause concern.

Sometimes frustration rises up when we least expect it. Sleepless nights visit us all too regularly. My mother used to complain about sleepless nights when she was in her sixties, seventies, and eighties. I could never understand why. She said that she would lay awake worrying about one thing or another. Of course, it was always something silly and trivial once the cause was exposed. She knew that. She would just shake her head and purse her lips in agreement. However, the sleepless nights continued.

Now that I have entered my seventies I understand. Sleepless nights sneak into my bedroom all too often. Frustration accumulates as the minutes crawl. Loren Eiseley, one of my all time favorite writers, use to write about this stuff. He claimed that it came from our uncertainty about life; or about death; our own specific deaths. Nothing philosophical; these thoughts are cast in concrete and very personal. He entitled one of the books “Night Country”. It has been close to forty years since my reading, but on dark nights it still crawls into bed with me. The rumbled mind that will not lie quiet and satisfied.

A good friend of mine died within the last month. He was frustrated right up to the time the powerful drugs administered by the hospice nurse ended his pain and his ability to speak. Questions persistently emerged: Why me? Why now? Death was not something he wanted to accept. It has been two years since his doctor gave him six months to live. He didn’t accept the diagnosis. He just didn't believe it. Sure, he died that’s for sure, but I don’t think he ever accepted it until just before he slipped into unconsciousness.

Frustration comes with self-awareness. I’m not sure there is any escape. I sometimes think I have it licked by learning to accept those things I can’t control, but when I’m honest with myself; when I wake in the middle of night I know I’m living a lie. Uncertainty is a fact of life. And it is from that uncertainty that frustration arises. There’s a shadow that accompanies clarity.

And about the parking fee. After the legal looking letter and disputed claim form was filed with the Credit Union I never heard another word. Why worry?

This is retirement talk with something to think about.



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